Standard 1

Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge:
Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.

Elements – Teacher candidates will:

1.1 Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful 
movement, physical activity and fitness.

1.2 Describe and apply motor learning and psychological/behavioral theory related to skillful 
movement, physical activity, and fitness.

1.3 Describe and apply motor development theory and principles related to skillful 
movement, physical activity, and fitness.

1.4 Identify historical, philosophical, and social perspectives of physical education issues and 

1.5 Analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts.


Element 1.5 Analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts.

Artifact: PED 201, Field Experience Reflection and Skill Assessment

Date: Spring 2012


This artifact is from my field experience working at St. Mary's after school program where we worked with, and assessed, students on running, galloping, and hopping.

Through this assessment, and other assessments like this, it becomes easier to tell which students may need a little more help in order to progress.  For a teacher, it is important to know where all of your students skills are at in order to create a lesson plan or curriculum that will adequately allow all students to progress at a rate that is comfortable for all.
It is important that teachers assess their students on different loco-motor movement skills not only prior to making any type of lesson plan, but afterwards as well.  Knowing where your students abilities are is key in developing a plan, but you also need to re-assess so it is clear as to whether your lessons are working or if they need to be more constructed or broken down.

So long as these types of assessments are actively used in the physical education setting, students should and will be able to accelerate at a more appropriate level and have a higher self-confidence rate.  As a teacher, the development of more efficient and appropriate assessments is crucial in maintaining an effective program.


Element 1.2 Describe and apply motor learning and psychological/behavioral theory related to skillful movement, physical activity, and fitness.

Artifact: EXS 297 Motor Behavior Poster Project

Date: Spring 2013


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